How to WhenAll when some tasks can be null?

Well, depending on your scenario you could assign completed tasks or put them in an array/list and then pass this list to WhenAll:

Task<MyType1> myTask1 = getData01Async();
Task<MyType2> myTask2 = Task.FromResult((MyType2) null);
Task<MyType3> myTask3 = Task.FromResult((MyType3) null);


await Task.WhenAll(myTask1, myTask2, myTask3);

To build on what @UweKeim suggested, why not simply filter out the null tasks when you pass them to the WhenAll.

public async Task FilterNullTasks()
    Task<string> myTask1 = Task.Delay(1000).ContinueWith(tsk => string.Empty);
    Task<int> myTask2 = null;
    Task<bool> myTask3 = null;

    await Task.WhenAll(new Task[]
        myTask1, myTask2, myTask3
    }.Where(tsk => tsk != null));

Just filter the null tasks out:

await Task.WhenAll(new Task[] { task1, task2, task3 }.Where(i => i != null));

Use a collection to track the tasks that aren't null. Then pass that list to Task.WhenAll method like below:

var tasks = new List<Task>();

Task<MyType1> myTask1 = getData01Async();

Task<MyTyp2> myTask2 = null;
Task<MyType3> myTask3 = null;

if(myVariable == true)
    myTask2 = getData02Async();
    myTask3 = getData03Async();

await Task.WhenAll(tasks);