How to wipe Heroku Redis?
You can install the heroku-redis-cli plugin
The heroku gem —
gem install heroku
A local installation of redis (or at least the redis-cli utility) —
apt-get install redis-server
To install:
heroku plugins:install
heroku redis:info
— get run-time statistics from your redis.heroku redis:monitor
— monitor commands being sent to your redis in real time.heroku redis:cli
— execute custom commands against redis.
Then you could simply do:
$ heroku redis:cli
$ flushall
Steps taken from readme file on the github repo:
You can do this with redis-cli.
RedisToGo gives you a url in the form:
redis://redistogo:[email protected]:9402
So this command will empty your db:
redis-cli -h -p 9402 -a d20739cffb0c0a6fff719acc2728c236 flushall
To wipe your redis on heroku there are a couple of ways. One of the simplest is probably connecting to the heroku console and clearing it from there. Commands are (for cedar stack):
heroku run console
And that's it :-)