How to wrap a figure in exam document?

wrapfig doesn't work in lists, and questions is just another version of a list. The following is a quick and dirty reimplementation of to work with enumerate like lists instead of with itemize. It uses insbox just like @Bernard's answer, but shouldn't require a manual paragraph. It does only implement the code to wrap inside one question, not inside the next one, too.

EDIT: It now should support exam's points system, but I didn't test it thoroughly. You might come back and complain if it doesn't work out.

EDIT2: Streamlined the interface to be more like the one of \InsertBoxR, the new macro's name is \questionInsboxR and it takes an optional argument, two mandatory ones, and a second optional one. The first optional argument is like the one of \question, the two mandatory arguments and the following optional one are like those of \InsertBoxR.

EDIT3: Added \questionInsboxL, fixed behaviour of multiple \questionInsboxL/R usages inside one questions environment.



%% Stealing some code from exam:
    \global \MyIfPointsfalse

          \captionof{figure}{This is A}%
    Hello, I want to wrap this figure in exam
          \captionof{figure}{This is A}%
    Hello, I want to wrap this figure in exam

enter image description here

Here is a solution with caption and the plain TeX insbox macro package. It defines a \InsertBoxR command, to be inserted at the very beginning of a paragraph, which takes two mandatory arguments: the number of untouched lines before a box id inserted, and the inserted box itself. In addition, in case TeX has a wrong computation of number of the necessary shorter lines, it accepts as an optional argument the number of supplementary shorter lines that you want.



Hello, I want to wrap this figure in exam. \par
\InsertBoxR {0}{\parbox{0.3\linewidth}{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{example-image-a.png}\captionof{figure}{This is A}}}[3]


enter image description here