How to write different HTML for different screen sizes

you can check it via using javascript screen object :


or you can do this with css

<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-device-width: 800px)" href="800.css" />

As far as i have experienced, you cannot do media queries inside HTML pages. You need to do it from within your CSS.

But if you want to show some special text only when it is below a certain resolution, why not only make it visible when the resolution is lower than 960px?

Creating responsive designs is very different from a regular design, because you have to think a lot more (which is haaard)

I am actually going through the same situation and found that if you want to do this you could really add all the text in the HTML page, and then hide it on screen widths that you don't want it to show. For example:

    [text that will be shown for screens less or equal to 960px in width]
        <div class="smallScreen">
        some new text only for lower resolution
    [end of condition for small screens]

    [text that will be shown for other screens that are greater in width]
        <div class="largeScreen">
        some new text only for higher resolution

And then you could add CSS:

    /* On smaller resolutions, hide the text for Large screens */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 960px) {
        .largeScreen {display: none;}

   /* On larger resolutions, hide the text for Small screens */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 960px) {
        .smallScreen {display: none;}

I hope this works out fine :)