how to write int menu () function in c++ code example

Example: how to write int menu () function in c++

//Matthew Beard
//Program 3

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

void showWelcome();
void showMenu();
int showSpring();
int showSummer();
int showFall();
int showWinter();

int main()
    int choice;     //menu choice
    //constants for menu choices
    const int SPRING_CHOICE = 1,
              SUMMER_CHOICE = 2,
              FALL_CHOICE = 3,
              WINTER_CHOICE = 4,
              QUIT_CHOICE = 5;
    cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(1); //sets to 1 decimal place
         showWelcome(); // Show Welcome screen
         showMenu(); // Display Menu
         cin >> choice;
         //Validate menu selection
         while (choice < SPRING_CHOICE || choice > QUIT_CHOICE)
               cout << "Please enter a valid menu choice: ";
               cin >> choice;
         //If user does not want to quit, proceed.
         if (choice != QUIT_CHOICE)
                    switch (choice)
                           case SPRING_CHOICE:
                                int showSpring();
                           case SUMMER_CHOICE:
                                int showSummer();
                           case FALL_CHOICE:
                                int showFall();
                           case WINTER_CHOICE:
                                int showWinter();
         } while (choice != QUIT_CHOICE);
         return 0;
//Welcome Function
void showWelcome()
     cout << "Welcome to the average rainfall calculator" << endl << endl;
     system ("pause");

//Menu Function

void showMenu()
    cout << "Please choose a season" << endl << endl
         << "1. Spring" << endl
         << "2. Summer" << endl
         << "3. Fall" << endl
         << "4. Winter"<< endl 
         << "5. Quit" << endl << endl;
//Spring choice function

int showSpring(float spring, float spring1, float spring2, float spring3)
    cout << "Enter the rainfall for month one " << endl;
    cin >> spring1;
    cout << endl << "Enter the rainfall for month two " << endl;
    cin >> spring2;
    cout << endl << "Enter the rainfall for month three " << endl;
    cin >> spring3;
    spring = (spring1 + spring2 + spring3) / 3;
    cout << endl << "The average rainfall for Spring was "
         << spring << endl << endl;
    return 0;

//Summer choice function

int showSummer(float summer, float summer1, float summer2, float summer3)
    cout << endl << "Enter the rainfall for month one " << endl;
    cin >> summer1;
    cout << endl << "Enter the rainfall for month two " << endl;
    cin >> summer2;
    cout << endl << "Enter the rainfall for month three " << endl;
    cin >> summer3;
    summer = (summer1 + summer2 + summer3) / 3;
    cout << endl << "The the average rainfall for Summer was "
         << summer << endl << endl;
    return 0;

//Fall choice function

int showFall(float fall, float fall1, float fall2, float fall3)
    cout << endl << "Enter the rainfall for month one " << endl;
    cin >> fall1;
    cout << endl << "Enter the rainfall for month two " << endl;
    cin >> fall2;
    cout << endl << "Enter the rainfall for month three " << endl;
    cin >> fall3;
    fall = (fall1 + fall2 + fall3) / 3;
    cout << endl << "The average rainfall for Fall was "
         << fall << endl << endl;
    return 0;

//Winter choice function

int showWinter(float winter, float winter1, float winter2, float winter3)
    cout << endl << "Enter the rainfall for month one " << endl;
    cin >> winter1;
    cout << endl << "Enter the rainfall for month two " << endl;
    cin >> winter2;
    cout << endl << "Enter the rainfall for month three " << endl;
    cin >> winter3;
    winter = (winter1 + winter2 +winter3) / 3;
    cout << endl << "The average rainfall for Winter was "
         << winter << endl << endl;
    return 0;


Cpp Example