How to write Stirling numbers of the second kind?

The following is taken from amsmath and uses \genfrac - a generic fraction function:

enter image description here

% Source:
In mathematics, particularly in combinatorics, a Stirling number of the second kind 
is the number of ways to partition a set of $n$~objects into $k$~non-empty subsets and 
is denoted by~$S(n,k)$ or~$\stirling{a}{b}$. Stirling numbers of the second kind occur 
in the field of mathematics called combinatorics and the study of partitions.

How does this work? \genfrac takes five arguments to create a structure (from the amsmath documentation; section 4.11.3 The \genfrac command, p 14):

The last two correspond to \frac’s numerator and denominator; the first two are optional delimiters [...]; the third is a line thickness override [0 implies an invisible rule]; and the fourth argument is a mathstyle override: integer values 0-3 select respectively \displaystyle, \textstyle, \scriptstyle, and \scriptscriptstyle. If the third argument is left empty, the line thickness defaults to ‘normal’.

So \genfrac\{\}{0pt}{} creates a fraction with an invisible horizontal rule (third argument is 0pt), left and right delimiter given by \{ and \}, respectively and no specific math style (an empty {} fourth argument). \stirling doesn't include a fifth and sixth argument for \genfrac (numerator and denominator), because this is implicitly supplied by the user as the two "arguments" to \stirling.

In a similar manner (perhaps for reference), amsmath defines


using \genfrac.

Here is a plain pdfTeX solution, just to illustrate what type of typesetting Knuth used for such numbers (he wrote a few papers on this topic)

% ========= Fonts
% ========== Heading macros
\magnification =\magstep 1
\overfullrule =0pt

\noindent 1. {\sc Stirling numbers} ---
Stirling cycle numbers ${ n\brack m}$ are defined  by
$$ \ln^m(1+z) = m! \sum_n (-1)^{n+m} { n\brack m} {z^n\over n!}
  \ .\leqno(1a) $$
The numbers $(-1)^{n+m}{n\brack m}$ are also called Stirling numbers of the first kind.
Stirling subset numbers ${n\brace m}$, also called Stirling numbers
of the second kind, are defined by
$$ \left( e^z-1\right)^m = m! \sum_n {n\brace m} {z^n\over n!}
  \ ,\leqno(1b) $$
and 2-associated Stirling subset numbers ${n\brace m}_{\ge 2}$ are
defined by 

$$ \left( e^z-1-z\right)^m = m!\sum_n {n\brace m}_{\!\ge 2} {z^n\over n!}
  \ .\leqno(1c) $$


enter image description here

You can have a look at more examples at Knuth Papers

There is a Bmatrix environment in amsmath.




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