How would I save multiple records at once in Rails?

I am not sure about rails < 4.2 but I have tried it in rails 4.2 you can simply do this


If you want all of them to be saved .or, non of them to be saved even if one fails, you can use 'ActiveRecord::Base.transaction'


ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do  
   tax_rate.each do |tax_rt|  

Your example is almost correct.

Use ActiveRecord::Persistence#create, which can accept an array of hashes as a parameter.

tax_rates = [
    income_from: 0,
    income_to: 18200,
    start: "01-07-2013",
    finish: "30-06-2014",
    rate: nil,
    premium: nil,
    income_from: 18201,
    income_to: 37000,
    start: "01-07-2013",
    finish: "30-06-2014",
    rate: 0.19,
    premium: nil,
  # ...

TaxRate.create(tax_rates)  # Or `create!` to raise if validations fail

A nice solution is to use the active record import gem. I recommend it over now built-in Rails bulk insert because it's more flexible in the options in case of constraint violation.

  [:income_from, :income_to, :start, :finish, :rate, :premium],

Its definitely better than my old answer which would trigger a db commit per entry in the array :)

Old answer: {|tax_rate| } 

This way you'll retrieve an Array with true or false to know which did succeed and which didn't.