Howto identify UTF-8 encoded strings

chardet character set detection developed by Mozilla used in FireFox. Source code

jchardet is a java port of the source from mozilla's automatic charset detection algorithm.

NCharDet is a .Net (C#) port of a Java port of the C++ used in the Mozilla and FireFox browsers.

Code project C# sample that uses Microsoft's MLang for character encoding detection.

UTRAC is a command line tool and library written in c++ to detect string encoding

cpdetector is a java project used for encoding detection

chsdet is a delphi project, and is a stand alone executable module for automatic charset / encoding detection of a given text or file.

Another useful post that points to a lot of libraries to help you determine character encoding

You could also take a look at the related question How Can I Best Guess the Encoding when the BOM (Byte Order Mark) is Missing?, it has some useful content.

There is no really reliable way, but basically, as a random sequence of bytes (e.g. a string in an standard 8 bit encoding) is very unlikely to be a valid UTF-8 string (if the most significant bit of a byte is set, there are very specific rules as to what kind of bytes can follow it in UTF-8), you can try decoding the string as UTF-8 and consider that it is UTF-8 if there are no decoding errors.

Determining if there were decoding errors is another problem altogether, many Unicode libraries simply replace invalid characters with a question mark without indicating whether or not an error occurred. So you need an explicit way of determining if an error occurred while decoding or not.