HQL query with LIKE having issues

Parameters inside string literals are not resolved.

You need to add %s to parameter values with string concatenation - either at the program side

String QUERY = "FROM Person as p WHERE p.createUser = : createUser 
     AND p.personId in " +
     "(SELECT pn.personId FROM PersonName pn " + 
     "WHERE pn.personNameType = 'FIRST' " + 
     "AND pn.name LIKE :firstName)";

    .setString("createUser", createUser)
    .setString("firstName", "%" + firstName + "%").list();

or at the database side:

String QUERY = "FROM Person as p WHERE p.createUser = : createUser 
     AND p.personId in " +
     "(SELECT pn.personId FROM PersonName pn " + 
     "WHERE pn.personNameType = 'FIRST' " + 
     "AND pn.name LIKE CONCAT('%', :firstName, '%'))";

    .setString("createUser", createUser)
    .setString("firstName", firstName).list();

we can use multiple concat to resolve this issue.

SELECT pn.personId FROM PersonName pn WHERE pn.personNameType = 'FIRST' AND pn.name LIKE concat(concat('%', :firstName), '%')


