.htaccess does not ask the password

I suspect that the apache user isn't capable of reading /home/janeb/.htpasswd. Check Apache's error log.

That's the only thing I see wrong in the config that's provided, but that might not be the only problem; please provide your full virtual host config. I'd also recommend that you move the authentication config out of the .htaccess file - there's no reason for it to be there.


The reason the .htaccess file isn't being applied is because AllowOverride All isn't being applied to the path where your .htaccess file resides.

The .htaccess file needs to be applied at the same time as the <Directory> blocks - if AllowOverride is specified in a <Directory ~ ...> block then it happens after .htaccess should have been applied. Since that doesn't work, the documentation specifically warns against it:

AllowOverride is valid only in <Directory> sections specified without regular expressions, not in <Location>, <DirectoryMatch> or <Files> sections.

Add a new block to your config to allow your .htaccess files to be used:

<Directory /home>
    AllowOverride All

By the looks of your config you likely need to put your .htaccess file under the /home/janeb/public_html directory which is the DocumentRoot if I'm not wrong.

What are you trying to do exactly?

In your vhost declaration ...

order allow,deny
allow from all  

You've already stated that everyone should have access ... this would mean your following .htpasswd is irrelevant, as its taking precedence.

Instead, remove that code, and in your .htaccess all you need is ...

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Required"
AuthUserFile /home/janeb/.htpasswd
Require valid-user

The .htpasswd file can be anywhere on the server as long as its readable by whoever Apache runs as (typically www-data).

If you want to combine IP restriction and .htpasswd restriction, then you can also use ..

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Required"
AuthUserFile /home/janeb/.htpasswd
Require valid-user

Satisfy Any