htaccess rewrite breaks relative paths

Add this line <BASE href=""> to your page inside the <head> tag as the following:

        <title>Your site title</title>
        <BASE href="">

The problem is that you didn’t consider that relative URLs are resolved on the base URI that is the URI of the HTML document the reference is used in. So a relative URI path like assets/images/ in an HTML document with the URI path /home/ is resolved to /home/assets/images/ instead of /assets/images/.

You cannot change this with mod_rewrite as URI resolution is done by the client and not by the server. The only solutions are:

  • change the base URI using the BASE element (note that this affects all relative URI);
  • using absolute URI paths, e.g. /assets/images/ instead of a relative assets/images/;
  • adjusting the relative URI path, so references in /home/ are adjusted to ../assets/images/ to reflect the path depth.