Html Agility Pack, SelectNodes from a node

var liOfTravels = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='myTrips']")

Note the dot in the second line. Basically in this regard HTMLAgitilityPack completely relies on XPath syntax, however the result is non-intuitive, because those queries are effectively the same:


It's a bit confusing because you're expecting that it would do a selectNodes on only the div with id "myTrips", however if you do another SelectNodes("//li") it will performn another search from the top of the document.

I fixed this by combining the statement into one, but that would only work on a webpage where you have only one div with an id "mytrips". The query would look like this:

doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='myTrips'] //li");

Creating a new node can be beneficial in some situations and lets you use the xpaths more intuitively. I've found this useful in a couple of places.

var myTripsDiv = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='myTrips']");
var myTripsNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode(myTripsDiv.InnerHtml);
var liOfTravels = myTripsNode.SelectNodes("//li");