change value of input jquery code example
Example 1: on change jquery
You can apply any one approach:
$("#Input_Id").change(function(){ // 1st
// do your code here
// When your element is already rendered
$("#Input_Id").on('change', function(){ // 2nd (A)
// do your code here
// It will specifically called on change of your element
$("body").on('change', '#Input_Id', function(){ // 2nd (B)
// do your code here
// It will filter the element "Input_Id" from the "body" and apply "onChange effect" on it
Example 2: get value of input jqueyr
var str = $("#myInput"). val();
Example 3: jquery change value of input
$('selector').val('new value');
Example 4: javascript detect input change
$('#inputID').on("change keyup paste", function() {
//my input text has changed
Example 5: jquery set input value
$("input:text").val("Glenn Quagmire");
Example 6: assign input text value jquery
<?= $this->Form->input('number_six', array(
'label' => false,
'class' => 'form-control number_six',
'maxlength' => "1" ,
'oninput' => "this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');"