html colors w3schools code example

Example 1: html colors

The value for the color property can be set in three main ways:

by color name, for example, red, green, blue
by hexadecimal number: from #000000 to #ffffff
by color code in the RGB palette: from rgb (0, 0, 0) to rgb(255, 255, 255)

Example 2: possible colors used for html

#FF0000 means FF worth of Red, and no Green or Blue. The result is RED.

#0000FF means no Red or Green, and FF worth of Blue. The result is BLUE.

#FFFF00 means FF worth of Red and Green, and Blue. The result is YELLOW.

#000000 means no Red, Green, or Blue. The result is BLACK.

#FFFFFF means full FF amounts of Red, Green, and Blue. The result is WHITE.

#FFEFD5 has high values for all colors, giving a light result: PAPAYAWHIP.
   (no, I don't know who thought up the color names.)

#556B2F has lower values for all colors, giving a darker result: DARKOLIVEGREEN.

Example 3: possible colors used for html



...are not web safe colors. They would get shifted to




Css Example