coronavirus tips code example

Example 1: coronavirus tips

# STAY home.
# KEEP 6 feet away.
# WASH your hands.
# COVER your mouth.
# SICK? Call 811.

Example 2: coronavirus tips

Go to the WHO's website for info about COVID-19.

Example 3: coronavirus tips

System.out.println("Stay Home");

Example 4: coronavirus tips

Please make sure to initiate social distancing and wash your hands
after any outer contact, human contact or surface contact. Sanitize
often and especially after touching your face to prevent the spread.
Some symtoms may include:
Sore Throat
Head Ache
Shortness of Breath
-And the most important to look for-
If you feel any of these symtoms self isolate for some time to see if
they prevail. If the symtoms don't go away it is recommended that
you call a hospital and see if you can get yourself checked for

Stay safe, and wash your hands!

Example 5: coronavirus tips

do the five in helping stop cornonavirus


Html Example