embed.addField code example

Example 1: embed discord.js

// at the top of your file
const Discord = require('discord.js');

// inside a command, event listener, etc.
const exampleEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
	.setTitle('Some title')
	.setAuthor('Some name', 'https://i.imgur.com/wSTFkRM.png', 'https://discord.js.org')
	.setDescription('Some description here')
	.addField('Regular field title', 'Some value here')
	.addField('Inline field title', 'Some value here', true)
	.addField('Inline field title', 'Some value here', true)
	.addField('Inline field title', 'Some value here', true)
	.setFooter('Some footer text here', 'https://i.imgur.com/wSTFkRM.png');


Example 2: Discord embeds

const Discord = require("discord.js")

const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() // Ver 12.2.0 of Discord.js
.setTitle("This is a title")
.setDescription("This is a description")
.setFooter("This is a footer")
.setAuthor("This is the author's name", //and this its profile pic)
.addField("This is a field", "this is its description")
<message>.<channel>.send(embed) // Remove the brackets <>


Html Example