html easy project code example

Example: small html projects

<!DOCTYPE HTML><!-- This is how HTML comments look like --><html><!-- the title will appear on the page--><head><title>Employee Interests Survey</title></head><body><!-- as it is a survey form, we will need to submit the details, hence we use form --><!-- We can give absolute url, or relative url like /nextpage.jsp, and specify POST or GET method --><form action=""><!-- If we remove this, every thing will move to the left of the page--><div align="center"><!--Adds a heading to the form--><h1>Employee Interests Survey form</h1>Enter your name:<!-- Input type text for small texts, specify size --><input type="text" name="UserName" size=35 maxlength=35 value=""><!--Adds spaces - remove and see what happens --></br></br>Enter your department:<input type="text" name="Deptt" size=35 maxlength=35 value=""> </br> </br>Tell us a little about yourself:<!-- For writing lot of text like descriptions with text wrapping,if you dont want text wrapping, you can add wrap = "off" (horizontal scrollbar --><textarea name="Comments" cols=30 rows=4></textarea> </br> </br>Do you exercise at home?<!-- Radio buttons help you choose one out of the many values --><input type="radio" name="exe" value=1>Yes<input type="radio" name="exe" value=2>No</p>How do you like to read about your favorite topics?<p><!--Checkbox lets you select multiple options --><input type="checkbox" name="Books">Books<input type="checkbox" name="Web">Online resources<input type="checkbox" name="Phone">Phone apps<input type="checkbox" name="Magazines">Magazines</p>What genre of movies do you like?<!--Select box lets you choose one of the multiple dropdown options--><select name="moviepref" ><option><option value=1 selected = "true">comedy<option value=2 >romance<option value=3 >thriller<option value=4 >horror<option value=5 >biopic</select></br></br><!--submits the information entered in the form by the user --><input type=submit value="Submit form"></div></form></body></html>


Html Example