html how to move an image code example

Example 1: how do you code an image in html

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML img Tag</title>

      <img src="/html/images/test.png" alt="Simply Easy Learning" width="200"

Example 2: move an image html

<marquee scrollamount="10"
            <img src="fly3.gif" />

Example 3: how to get an image next to text in html

<p style="float: left; clear: left"><img src="image.jpg" height="200px" width="200px" border="1px"></p>
<p>Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text</p>
<p style="float: left; clear: left"><img src="image.jpg" height="200" width="200" border="1px"></p>
<p>Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text</p>


Html Example