js fixed decimal code example
Example 1: javascript snumber two decimal places as string
let money = 1.6;
money.toFixed(2); // 1.60
Example 2: javascript show 2 decimal places
var myNumber=12.2345;
var myNumberWithTwoDecimalPlaces=parseFloat(myNumber).toFixed(2); //12.23
Example 3: javascript convert int to float with 2 decimal places
Example 4: javascript fixed decimal
var num = 5.56789;
var n = num.toFixed(2);
Example 5: js toFixed
var a = 3.3445;
var c = a.toFixed(1); console.log(c); /* result ->*/ 3.3
var g = a.toFixed(4); console.log(g); /* result ->*/ 3.3445
var g = a.toFixed(7); console.log(g); /* result ->*/ 3.3445000
// ^ ^^^^^^^
/*Syntax ->*/ number.toFixed([digits])
// like Me ;D . My company : Rnad