jupyter notebook to html code example
Example 1: convert ipynb to html
jupyter nbconvert --to html notebook.ipynb
Example 2: from html to jupyter notebook
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json
import urllib.request
url = 'http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/url/jakevdp.github.com/downloads/notebooks/XKCD_plots.ipynb'
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
# for local html file
# response = open("/Users/note/jupyter/notebook.html")
text = response.read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'lxml')
# see some of the html
dictionary = {'nbformat': 4, 'nbformat_minor': 1, 'cells': [], 'metadata': {}}
for d in soup.findAll("div"):
if 'class' in d.attrs.keys():
for clas in d.attrs["class"]:
if clas in ["text_cell_render", "input_area"]:
# code cell
if clas == "input_area":
cell = {}
cell['metadata'] = {}
cell['outputs'] = []
cell['source'] = [d.get_text()]
cell['execution_count'] = None
cell['cell_type'] = 'code'
cell = {}
cell['metadata'] = {}
cell['source'] = [d.decode_contents()]
cell['cell_type'] = 'markdown'
open('notebook.ipynb', 'w').write(json.dumps(dictionary))