html parsing with beautifulsoup code example
Example 1: beautifulsoup get text
# Find all of the text between paragraph tags and strip out the html
page = soup.find('p').getText()
Example 2: python beautifulsoup get attibute
xmlData = None
with open('conf//test1.xml', 'r') as xmlFile:
xmlData =
xmlDecoded = xmlData
xmlSoup = BeautifulSoup(xmlData, 'html.parser')
repElemList = xmlSoup.find_all('repeatingelement')
for repElem in repElemList:
print("Processing repElem...")
repElemID = repElem.get('id')
repElemName = repElem.get('name')
print("Attribute id = %s" % repElemID)
print("Attribute name = %s" % repElemName)