thymeleaf share common code example

Example: thymeleaf optional fragment parameter

The best way to allow optional parameter for a fragment is to declare them with "th:with" and describe them with meaningful default values.

So, you define explicit your mandatory and your optional values in the declaration tag of your fragment.

Here is simple example, with 1 mandatory and 2 optional parameters:

<div th:fragment="printGreetings (name)" th:with="title=${title} ?: 'Mr.', greeting=${greeting} ?: 'Hello'">
    <span th:text="${greeting}">Hello</span>
    <span th:text="${title}">Mr.</span>
    <span th:text="${name}">John Doe</span>

You can then call it like the following:

<div th:replace="fragments :: printGreetings (name='daniel')">
   Hello Mr. Daniel
<div th:replace="fragments :: printGreetings (name='Lea', title='Ms.')>
   Hello Ms. Lea
<div th:replace="fragments :: printGreetings (name='Lea', title='Ms.', greeting='Hi')>
   Hi Ms. Lea

(Please note that all values inside the tags are replaced by the dynamic ones. It's just for better reading.)


Html Example