wordpress custom authentication code example
Example: wordpress set two login pages
//if you want to show two (different) login pages for two (different) links,
//you can first of all think of two urls for two different login pages.
//here, i have two links => /login-old and /login-new for which i want different forms,
//now as any of these url hits the browser, i will check for url paramenter
$url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if (strpos($url,'login-new') !== false) {
// echo 'to New Login page';
$cookie_name = "login_page";
$cookie_value = "new";
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (86400 * 30), "/"); //will not set immediately, but useful later for logout
header("Location: ".site_url('login')); //this will be your default login page url
} else if(strpos($url,'login-old') !== false) {
// echo 'to Old Login page';
$cookie_name = "login_page";
$cookie_value = "old";
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (86400 * 30), "/"); //will not set immediately, but useful later for logout
header("Location: ".site_url('login'));
//now that the cookie is set, i know which form to show to user,
//now, as the user gets redirected to default login page, go to it's template file
//and check for the default login form, where, check,
$login_page = '';
if (isset($_COOKIE['login_page'])) {
$login_page = $_COOKIE['login_page'];
if ($login_page == 'new') { ?>
#your new form styling here...
<?php } else if ($login_page == 'old'){ ?>
#your old form styling here...
<?php }
if ($login_page == 'new') { ?>
<form id="new_form" action="" method="post"> </form>
<?php } else if ($login_page == 'old'){ ?>
<form id="old_form" action="" method="post"> </form>
<?php }
//here, check the default login form action attr to put above in our custom forms