HTML5 Audio tag on Safari has a delay

The problem with Safari is that it puts a request every time for the audio file being played. You can try creating an HTML5 cache manifest. Unfortunately my experience has been that you can only add to the cache one audio file at a time. A workaround might be to merge all your audio files sequentially into a single audio file, and start playing at a specific position depending on the sound needed. You can create an interval to track the current play position and pause it once it has reached a certain time stamp.

Read more about creating an HTML5 cache manifest here:

Hope it helps!

I just answered another iOS/<audio> question a few minutes ago. Seems to apply here as well:

Preloading <audio> and <video> on iOS devices is disabled to save bandwidth.

In Safari on iOS (for all devices, including iPad), where the user may be on a cellular network and be charged per data unit, preload and autoplay are disabled. No data is loaded until the user initiates it.

Source: Safari Developer Library

HTML5 Audio Delay on Safari iOS (<audio> Element vs AudioContext)

Yes, Safari iOS has an audio delay when using the native <audio> Element ...however this can be overcome by using AudioContext.

My code snippet is based on what I learnt from

Please test the functionality on your own iOS device (I tested in iOS 12)

Snippet from JS Fiddle

// Requires jQuery 

// Adding:
// Strip down lowLag.js so it only supports audioContext (So no IE11 support (only Edge))
// Add "loop" monkey patch needed for looping audio (my primary usage)
// Add single audio channel - to avoid overlapping audio playback

// Original source:

if (!window.console) console = {
  log: function() {}

var lowLag = new function() {
  this.someVariable = undefined;
  this.showNeedInit = function() {
    lowLag.msg("lowLag: you must call lowLag.init() first!");
  this.load = this.showNeedInit; = this.showNeedInit;
  this.pause = this.showNeedInit;
  this.stop = this.showNeedInit;
  this.switch = this.showNeedInit;
  this.change = this.showNeedInit;
  this.audioContext = undefined;
  this.audioContextPendingRequest = {};
  this.audioBuffers = {};
  this.audioBufferSources = {};
  this.currentTag = undefined;
  this.currentPlayingTag = undefined;

  this.init = function() {
    this.msg("init audioContext");
    this.load = this.loadSoundAudioContext; = this.playSoundAudioContext;
    this.pause = this.pauseSoundAudioContext;
    this.stop = this.stopSoundAudioContext;
    this.switch = this.switchSoundAudioContext;
    this.change = this.changeSoundAudioContext;

    if (!this.audioContext) {
      this.audioContext = new(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();

  //we'll use the tag they hand us, or else the url as the tag if it's a single tag,
  //or the first url 
  this.getTagFromURL = function(url, tag) {
    if (tag != undefined) return tag;
    return lowLag.getSingleURL(url);
  this.getSingleURL = function(urls) {
    if (typeof(urls) == "string") return urls;
    return urls[0];
  //coerce to be an array
  this.getURLArray = function(urls) {
    if (typeof(urls) == "string") return [urls];
    return urls;

  this.loadSoundAudioContext = function(urls, tag) {
    var url = lowLag.getSingleURL(urls);
    tag = lowLag.getTagFromURL(urls, tag);
    lowLag.msg('webkit/chrome audio loading ' + url + ' as tag ' + tag);
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
    request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';

    // Decode asynchronously
    request.onload = function() {
      // if you want "successLoadAudioFile" to only be called one time, you could try just using Promises (the newer return value for decodeAudioData)
      // Ref:

      //Older callback syntax:
      //baseAudioContext.decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer, successCallback, errorCallback);
      //Newer promise-based syntax:
      //Promise<decodedData> baseAudioContext.decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer);

      // ... however you might want to use a pollfil for browsers that support Promises, but does not yet support decodeAudioData returning a Promise.
      // Ref:
      // Ref:

      // var retVal = lowLag.audioContext.decodeAudioData(request.response);

      // Note: "successLoadAudioFile" is called twice. Once for legacy syntax (success callback), and once for newer syntax (Promise)
      var retVal = lowLag.audioContext.decodeAudioData(request.response, successLoadAudioFile, errorLoadAudioFile);
      //Newer versions of audioContext return a promise, which could throw a DOMException
      if (retVal && typeof retVal.then == 'function') {
        retVal.then(successLoadAudioFile).catch(function(e) {
          urls.shift(); //remove the first url from the array
          if (urls.length > 0) {
            lowLag.loadSoundAudioContext(urls, tag); //try the next url


    function successLoadAudioFile(buffer) {
      lowLag.audioBuffers[tag] = buffer;
      if (lowLag.audioContextPendingRequest[tag]) { //a request might have come in, try playing it now

    function errorLoadAudioFile(e) {
      lowLag.msg("Error loading webkit/chrome audio: " + e);

  this.playSoundAudioContext = function(tag) {
    var context = lowLag.audioContext;

    // if some audio is currently active and hasn't been switched, or you are explicitly asking to play audio that is already active... then see if it needs to be unpaused
    // ... if you've switch audio, or are explicitly asking to play new audio (that is not the currently active audio) then skip trying to unpause the audio
    if ((lowLag.currentPlayingTag && lowLag.currentTag && lowLag.currentPlayingTag === lowLag.currentTag) || (tag && lowLag.currentPlayingTag && lowLag.currentPlayingTag === tag)) {
      // find currently paused audio (suspended) and unpause it (resume)
      if (context !== undefined) {
        // ref:
        if (context.state === 'suspended') {
          context.resume().then(function() {
            lowLag.msg("playSoundAudioContext resume " + lowLag.currentPlayingTag);
          }).catch(function(e) {
            lowLag.msg("playSoundAudioContext resume error for " + lowLag.currentPlayingTag + ". Error: " + e);
    if (tag === undefined) {
      tag = lowLag.currentTag;

    if (lowLag.currentPlayingTag && lowLag.currentPlayingTag === tag) {
      // ignore request to play same sound a second time - it's already playing
      lowLag.msg("playSoundAudioContext already playing " + tag);
    } else {
      lowLag.msg("playSoundAudioContext " + tag);

    var buffer = lowLag.audioBuffers[tag];
    if (buffer === undefined) { //possibly not loaded; put in a request to play onload
      lowLag.audioContextPendingRequest[tag] = true;
      lowLag.msg("playSoundAudioContext pending request " + tag);

    // need to create a new AudioBufferSourceNode every time... 
    // you can't call start() on an AudioBufferSourceNode more than once. They're one-time-use only.
    var source;
    source = context.createBufferSource(); // creates a sound source
    source.buffer = buffer; // tell the source which sound to play
    source.connect(context.destination); // connect the source to the context's destination (the speakers)
    source.loop = true;
    lowLag.audioBufferSources[tag] = source;

    // find current playing audio and stop it
    var sourceOld = lowLag.currentPlayingTag ? lowLag.audioBufferSources[lowLag.currentPlayingTag] : undefined;
    if (sourceOld !== undefined) {
      if (typeof(sourceOld.noteOff) == "function") {
      } else {
      lowLag.msg("playSoundAudioContext stopped " + lowLag.currentPlayingTag);
      lowLag.audioBufferSources[lowLag.currentPlayingTag] = undefined;
      lowLag.currentPlayingTag = undefined;

    // play the new source audio
    if (typeof(source.noteOn) == "function") {
    } else {
    lowLag.currentTag = tag;
    lowLag.currentPlayingTag = tag;
    if (context.state === 'running') {
      lowLag.msg("playSoundAudioContext started " + tag);
    } else if (context.state === 'suspended') {
      /// if the audio context is in a suspended state then unpause (resume)
      context.resume().then(function() {
        lowLag.msg("playSoundAudioContext started and then resumed " + tag);
      }).catch(function(e) {
        lowLag.msg("playSoundAudioContext started and then had a resuming error for " + tag + ". Error: " + e);
    } else if (context.state === 'closed') {
      // ignore request to pause sound - it's already closed
      lowLag.msg("playSoundAudioContext failed to start, context closed for " + tag);
    } else {
      lowLag.msg("playSoundAudioContext unknown AudioContext.state for " + tag + ". State: " + context.state);

  this.pauseSoundAudioContext = function() {
    // not passing in a "tag" parameter because we are playing all audio in one channel
    var tag = lowLag.currentPlayingTag;
    var context = lowLag.audioContext;

    if (tag === undefined) {
      // ignore request to pause sound as nothing is currently playing
      lowLag.msg("pauseSoundAudioContext nothing to pause");

    // find currently playing (running) audio and pause it (suspend)
    if (context !== undefined) {
      // ref:
      if (context.state === 'running') {
      	lowLag.msg("pauseSoundAudioContext " + tag);
        context.suspend().then(function() {
          lowLag.msg("pauseSoundAudioContext suspended " + tag);
        }).catch(function(e) {
          lowLag.msg("pauseSoundAudioContext suspend error for " + tag + ". Error: " + e);
      } else if (context.state === 'suspended') {
        // ignore request to pause sound - it's already suspended
        lowLag.msg("pauseSoundAudioContext already suspended " + tag);
      } else if (context.state === 'closed') {
        // ignore request to pause sound - it's already closed
        lowLag.msg("pauseSoundAudioContext already closed " + tag);
      } else {
        lowLag.msg("pauseSoundAudioContext unknown AudioContext.state for " + tag + ". State: " + context.state);

  this.stopSoundAudioContext = function() {
    // not passing in a "tag" parameter because we are playing all audio in one channel
    var tag = lowLag.currentPlayingTag;

    if (tag === undefined) {
      // ignore request to stop sound as nothing is currently playing
      lowLag.msg("stopSoundAudioContext nothing to stop");
    } else {
      lowLag.msg("stopSoundAudioContext " + tag);

    // find current playing audio and stop it
    var source = lowLag.audioBufferSources[tag];
    if (source !== undefined) {
      if (typeof(source.noteOff) == "function") {
      } else {
      lowLag.msg("stopSoundAudioContext stopped " + tag);
      lowLag.audioBufferSources[tag] = undefined;
      lowLag.currentPlayingTag = undefined;

  this.switchSoundAudioContext = function(autoplay) {
    lowLag.msg("switchSoundAudioContext " + (autoplay ? 'and autoplay' : 'and do not autoplay'));

    if (lowLag.currentTag && lowLag.currentTag == 'audio1') {
      lowLag.currentTag = 'audio2';
    } else {
      lowLag.currentTag = 'audio1';

    if (autoplay) {

  this.changeSoundAudioContext = function(tag, autoplay) {
    lowLag.msg("changeSoundAudioContext to tag " + tag + " " + (autoplay ? 'and autoplay' : 'and do not autoplay'));

		if(tag === undefined) {
    	lowLag.msg("changeSoundAudioContext tag is undefined");
    lowLag.currentTag = tag;

    if (autoplay) {

  this.msg = function(m) {
    m = "-- lowLag " + m;
<script src=""></script>
  // AudioContext
  $(document).ready(function() {
    lowLag.load([''], 'audio1');
    lowLag.load([''], 'audio2');
    // starts with audio1
    lowLag.changeSoundAudioContext('audio1', false);

  // ----------------

  // Audio Element
  $(document).ready(function() {
    var $audioElement = $('#audioElement');
    var audioEl = $audioElement[0];
    var audioSources = {
      "audio1": "",
      "audio2": ""
    playAudioElement = function() {;
    pauseAudioElement = function() {
    stopAudioElement = function() {
      audioEl.currentTime = 0;
    switchAudioElement = function(autoplay) {
      var source = $audioElement.attr('data-source');

      if (source && source == 'audio1') {
        $audioElement.attr('src', audioSources.audio2);
        $audioElement.attr('data-source', 'audio2');
      } else {
        $audioElement.attr('src', audioSources.audio1);
        $audioElement.attr('data-source', 'audio1');

      if (autoplay) {;
    changeAudioElement = function(tag, autoplay) {
      var source = $audioElement.attr('data-source');
      if(tag === undefined || audioSources[tag] === undefined) {

      $audioElement.attr('src', audioSources[tag]);
      $audioElement.attr('data-source', tag);

      if (autoplay) {;
    changeAudioElement('audio1', false); // starts with audio1


  AudioContext (<a href="" target="blank">api</a>)
<button onClick=";">Play</button>
<button onClick="lowLag.pause();">Pause</button>
<button onClick="lowLag.stop();">Stop</button>
<button onClick="lowLag.switch(true);">Swtich</button>
<button onClick="lowLag.change('audio1', true);">Play 1</button>
<button onClick="lowLag.change('audio2', true);">Play 2</button>


  Audio Element (<a href="" target="blank">api</a>)
<audio id="audioElement" controls loop preload="auto" src="">
<button onClick="playAudioElement();">Play</button>
<button onClick="pauseAudioElement();">Pause</button>
<button onClick="stopAudioElement();">Stop</button>
<button onClick="switchAudioElement(true);">Switch</button>
<button onClick="changeAudioElement('audio1', true);">Play 1</button>
<button onClick="changeAudioElement('audio2', true);">Play 2</button>

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

On desktop Safari, adding AudioContext fixes the issue:

const AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
const audioCtx = new AudioContext();

I found out by accident, so I have no idea why it works, but this removed the delay on my app.