HTML5 Validation error with select required attribute

Use the following

<option value="">Choose</option>

Append the above series as first option

  • considered valid as the first child element has no content.

Maintainer of the W3C HTML Checker (aka validator) here.

Now it seems you must use a non-breaking space to pass the validator:

<option value="">&nbsp;</option>

Yeah I’m not sure when I changed that in the checker. I thought I hadn’t changed anything there in a couple of years but regardless, the checker is conforming to the HTML spec on this, because if you go to and read the Content model subsection in the head of that section, you’ll see:

If the element has no label attribute: Text that is not inter-element whitespace.

In HTML, the definition of which characters can be inter-element whitespace characters includes just U+0020 (space), tab, U+000A (LF), U+000C FORM FEED, and U+000D (CR).

In other words, HTML essentially considers the non-breaking space character to be Text—not a space character—so putting it inside an option element makes that option element “non-empty” (as far as the spec is concerned).

So, doing <option value="">&nbsp;</option> isn’t really a hack; instead, it’s a perfectly reasonable way (again, as far as the spec is concerned) to make an option non-empty.