HttpWebRequest in .NET Core 2.0 throwing 302 Found Exception

I got the same error when setting AllowAutoRedirect to false. I solved the problem by just wrapping a try-catch-block around request.GetResponse() and assigning the Result of the exception to a variable

WebResponse response;
try {
   response = request.GetResponse();
catch(WebException e)) {
      response = e.Result;

Take a look at this issue - HttpWebRequest in .NET Core 2.0 throwing 301 Moved Permanently. In short, it says:

If you set AllowAutoRedirect, then you will end up not following the redirect. That means ending up with the 301 response.

HttpWebRequest (unlike HttpClient) throws exceptions for non-successful (non-200) status codes. So, getting an exception (most likely a WebException) is expected.

So, if you need to handle that redirect (which is HTTPS -> HTTP by the way), you need to trap it in try/catch block and inspect the WebException etc. That is standard use of HttpWebRequest.

That is why we recommend devs use HttpClient which has an easier use pattern.