I can't parametrize babel's \foreignlanguage command

Unfortunately several commands from xstring are not fully expandable. You need to use each case of \IfStrEqCase to define a helper macro storing the appropriate value. Here is one way to do this:

Sample output









You need something that fully expands to a language name, but \IfStrEqCase only provides the instructions to typeset it.

You can use an expandable version provided by xparse.



  \str_case:nnF { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }

    {(\languagename) \textit{``#2''}}%





The \xIfStrEqCase macro takes three argument, like \IfStrEqCase, but the trailing one is mandatory.

\xIfStrEqCase{<string>}{{<string-a>}{code-a}...}{<default code>}

I added to the code (\languagename) just for being sure what language has been selected.

enter image description here


