I get "The build could not read 1 project" in maven build because undefined versions

The problem is to do with your project structure and how you have defined the parent in the child poms.

Your child modules are actually in folders that are one level up from where your parent pom resides rather than in the same level (judging from <module>../example-business</module>). When maven tries to build the child modules it can not find the parent pom as it is not available in the maven repository (it is currently in the process of building it so it has not yet been uploaded).

To fix this you simply need to change the parent definition in the child poms to define a real relativePath to the location of the parent pom so that maven can find it. So change it to be something like the following:


Obviously you'll need to change name-of-folder-containing-parent-pom to be whatever the folder is.