I have to type export PATH=~/anaconda/bin:"$PATH" everytime I rerun the terminal

Try this in .bash_profile

export PATH="$HOME/anaconda/bin:$PATH"

Then try launching a new terminal and running:

echo $PATH

The output should start with /anaconda/bin:

If that still doesn't work... A work around might be to invoke bash after running terminal i.e. type "bash". Which should cause bash to launch with .bash_profile

I run on MacOs Catalina 10.15 and this did the trick for me: shell is zsh !

$ source /Users/myprofilename/anaconda3/bin/activate


$ conda init zsh

the new anaconda documentation also highlights this:

Make sure you're not using ZShell or another form of a shell. If the case you'd have to add the path to your respective shell file, e.g .zshrc.


