I updated java and eclipse does not work

Verify if you have installed a different version of JDK/JRE from your Eclipse. If you have installed 64 bits JDK version and your Eclipse version is 32 bits, it won't work. They have to be equal.

To verify what is your java version, type at command line window:

java -d64 -version

If appears: "Error: This Java instance does not support a 64-bit JVM. Please install the desired version.", it means that your java version is 32 bits.

To verify what is your Eclipse version, see this post.

I just added this line to the eclipse.ini file

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\javaw.exe

The solution on my blog and it is now running successfully.

This is what worked for me: Remove the lines:


Add these two lines:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\javaw.exe

Edit the path to match your installation. The ini file is generally present at $ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse.ini Eclipse ini file

Note: You'll need to change windows security settings to get access. I recommend you don't edit this type of file in notepad (use notepad++). Backup the file before you edit.

check if the java\bin path is added in the path and inside the eclipse installation folder, there is a file called eclipse.ini and check if the vmargs are added like below.




