I want page 13 to show up as 12+1

Define a new counter format:


\usepackage{kantlipsum} % for mock text

  \expandafter\@fixedarabic\csname c@#1\endcsname
  \ifnum#1=13 12${}+{}$1\else\number#1\fi





enter image description here

It could be a complex solution to convert the counter page to "12+1" if the value reach 13, but if only matter when 13 is the last page, why not simply change the footer just before \end{document} to "12+1"?.

\setcounter{page}{12} % this is the 12th page
\cfoot{12+1} % this is the 12+1th page 

The following solution sets page 13 as 12+1 in whichever format your page numbering is set to. It uses fancyhdr to set the page number in the Centre of the footer.

enter image description here



\fancyhf{}% Clear header/footer
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% Remove header rule
   $\mbox{\setcounter{page}{12}\thepage} + \mbox{\setcounter{page}{1}\thepage}$%

\pagenumbering{roman} % Just as an example


