I want to display the file Name in the log statement

Looks like you're using Winston here - I typically pass module into my logger module and then set Winston's label property to a parsed version of module.filename. Something like:


const path = require('path');

// Return the last folder name in the path and the calling
// module's filename.
const getLabel = function(callingModule) {
  const parts = callingModule.filename.split(path.sep);
  return path.join(parts[parts.length - 2], parts.pop());

module.exports = function (callingModule) {
  return new winston.Logger({
    transports: [new winston.transports.Console({
      label: getLabel(callingModule)

Usage (assume module is controllers/users.js):

const logger = require('./logger')(module);


2014-11-25T15:31:12.186Z - info: [controllers/users.js] foo

You can use the stack trace information attached to v8's Error object to find out what file/line your code was called from. This approach works well, but it does not perform well; so if you use it during development, you will want to disable it when you go to production.

So you could do something like this:

  var logger_info_old = logger.info;
  logger.info = function(msg) {
    var fileAndLine = traceCaller(1);
    return logger_info_old.call(this, fileAndLine + ":" + msg);

  * examines the call stack and returns a string indicating 
  * the file and line number of the n'th previous ancestor call.
  * this works in chrome, and should work in nodejs as well.  
  * @param n : int (default: n=1) - the number of calls to trace up the
  *   stack from the current call.  `n=0` gives you your current file/line.
  *  `n=1` gives the file/line that called you.
  function traceCaller(n) {
    if( isNaN(n) || n<0) n=1;
    var s = (new Error()).stack
      , a=s.indexOf('\n',5);
    while(n--) {
      if( a<0 ) { a=s.lastIndexOf('\n',s.length); break;}
    b=s.indexOf('\n',a+1); if( b<0 ) b=s.length;
    a=Math.max(s.lastIndexOf(' ',b), s.lastIndexOf('/',b));
    return s;