Identity related to $\sum_{k=0}^{n}\frac{x^k}{\binom{n}{k}}$

Your result is a kind of generalization of Newton's binomial identity with binomial coefficients replaced by their inverses.

You will find in page 2 of this reference by Toufik Mansour, University of Haifa) the more general expression :


with its proof. Nice expression...

It suffices now to take $a=x$ and $b=1$...

I have to admit that the proof is long... and uses generating functions.

Remark : If in the following identity for Beta integrals (see here):


one takes $x-1=k$ and $y-1=n-k$, we deduce that :


(besides, (3) is mentionned in the referenced article).

It is likely that a (simpler) proof of your identity can be deduced from (3) by multiplying it by $x^k$ and summing from $k=0$ to $k=n$.