IE doesn't support 'insertBefore'

Use it like that:

var parent=document.getElementById(parentID);

otherwise parent will be global, but there always is a global parent-object, the parent window(and it is read-only).

Furthermore: IE requires as 2nd argument a valid node or null, so be sure that parent has childNodes to avoid errors:

                            ? parent.childNodes[0]
                            : null);

insertBefore works correctly in IE as long as the 2nd parameter is a valid DOM element, or null ( typeof null is Object and so is a typeof DOM element).

For an Array, any out of bound index (which in this case is 0 as the children[] is empty) will return undefined. IE stops working in the following case as the 2nd param becomes undefined -

parent.insertBefore(child, parent.childNodes[0])
//where `INDEX` is greater than parent.childNodes.length

So, a better approach for this case will be

var refEl  = parent.childNodes[INDEX] || null;
parent.insertBefore(newRowHolderNode.childNodes[0], refEl);