If statement in QML

You can do it like this:

color: (hand.callValue >= hand.handRaiseXBB) ? hand.handFoldColor : hand.handCallColor

You could also make a function to calculate it and then assign the color property with the return value of the function:

function getHandColor()
    var handColor = hand.handCallColor
    if(hand.callValue >= hand.handRaiseXBB)
        handColor = hand.handFoldColor
    return handColor
color: getHandColor()

Another form to solve this is the following:

Rectangle {
    color: {
       color = hand.handCallColor
       if(hand.callValue >= hand.handRaiseXBB)
           color = hand.handFoldColor

But the form with ternary operator is a better form!

QML is "based" in javascript, then i belive that all itens are javascript objects, how to:

var Rectangle: {
   color: "red",
   id: "id",
   //then we can do this
   setColor: function(_color) {this.color = _color}