\@ifpackagelater equivalent for babel's lan­guage def­i­ni­tion files?

The babel language files use \ProvidesFile with some version information argument -- this setup is necessary to use the LaTeX core macro \@ifl@ter to check the file date, if it is applied with the correct extension.

It checks the file date, see the definition and the usage in latex.ltx:

    \csname ver@#2.#1\endcsname}
\def\@parse@version#1/#2/#3#4#5\@nil{#1#2#3#4 }
% Some lines omitted

As can be seen, the macros \@ifpackagelater and \@ifclasslater do not have arguments actually (they are moving!) and the final treatment of the {true}{false} branches is left over to \@ifl@t@r.

So all that is to the is to define a separate macro that checks for a babel definition file, say \@ifbabellater and provide the \@b@belextension here.



In my setup it prints 'After' on the console.

Apparently, there's a package for such macros, but I've done with core methods ;-)

In LaTeX, Version dates can be declared by:

\ProvidesClass{<class name>}[YYYY/MM/DD ...]
\ProvidesPackage{<package name>}[YYYY/MM/DD ...]
\ProvidesFile{<file name>}[YYYY/MM/DD ...]

and LaTeX provides:


\@iffilelater is missing and both commands can only be used in the preamble.

Package ltxcmds closes the gap by defining the complete set:


All three commands can also be used after \begin{document}.

