Ignore synced folder files/directories with NFS as sync system for Vagrant

In my case I had to keep cache and log files unsynchronized, and the solution I found out was to create a symbolic link instead of the cache and log folders (e.g. app/cache and app/log) which points to a directory outside the synchronized folder (e.g. /home/vagrant/project/cache). Then, the files inside app/cache are not synchronized. Hope it helps.

My rep isn't high enough to comment on the above answer, I had the exact same problem. I had to do a little work and figure this detail out:

The symlink must be in your virtual machine. So for example:

vagrant ssh
cd your/webapp
mkdir outside/your/webapp
ln -s outside/your/webapp cache

Now the symlink will show up in your project folder, but you won't actually be synchronizing any files across it.