IIFE in ES6 class literal

No, not yet at least. ES6 classes only have support for declaring methods, so anything that's not directly a method (this includes things that indirectly evaluate to a method, such as IIFE) must still be declared with the prototype.

However, ES6 classes really work the same as ES5 constructor functions do, only with a bit cleaner syntax, so you can still do this:

class MyClass {
  constructor() {
    /* initialize */

  regularMethod() {
    /* some stuff */

MyClass.prototype.myMethod = (function() { return function() })()

which would be equivalent to this:

function MyClass() {
  /* initialize */

MyClass.prototype.regularMethod = function() {
  /* some stuff */

MyClass.prototype.myMethod = (function() { return function() })()


YES, you can do it.

You just need to create the IIFE like a "function expression" (assign it to a variable)

class MyClass {

  IIFE = (() => {

    let textArrayCreatedJustOnce = ['text A', 'text B', 'text C'];
    console.log('Only called in object creation');

    return () => {



let myClassInstance = new MyClass(); //log: 'Only called in object creation' 

myClassInstance.IIFE(); //log: 'text B'
myClassInstance.IIFE(); //log: 'text B'
myClassInstance.IIFE(); //log: 'text B'

It's possible to crate a decorator:

function iife(target, key, { value: fn, configurable, enumerable }) {
  return {
    value: fn(),

And use it like:

class MyClass {
  methodName() {
    /* some stuff */
    return function() {
      /* real method content */

I use it if I need some heavy temporary variables like matrices of vectors that I don't want to crate for each method call.