imagemagick crop images to specific aspect ratio?
Two things to consider:
- Simple resizing with or without aspect ratio conversion
- Cropping with aspect ration conversion
I address each in turn:
1. Simple resizing with or without aspect ratio conversion
by default will maintain the preexisting aspect ratio of an image during conversions. Using this test image:
which conveniently has the dimensions of 100x100 an attempt to resize to 300x150 with this syntax will silently fail:
convert test.png -resize 300x150 300_test.png
and will produce a 150x150 image:
To force imagemagick
to actually produce your 2:1 aspect ratio image the following slightly different syntax is required:
convert test.png -resize 300x150\! distort.png
And this achieves a 2:1 aspect ratio, with distortion of the original image of course:
2. Cropping with aspect ration conversion
If you would prefer to simply and automatically crop an image to a specified aspect ratio the easiest way is to use one of Fred's ImageMagick Scripts: 'Aspectcrop'. Usage on our test image is simply:
./aspectcrop -a 2:1 test.png Fred_wins.png
and the resulting image has been successfully cropped to a 2:1 ratio:
The other option to be manipulated is -g gravity
which defines which part of the image is used for cropping. The default is center, all options are:
- center (c)
- north (n)
- south (s)
- east (e)
- west (w)
- northwest (nw)
- northeast (ne)
- southwest, (sw)
- southeast (se)
So to give an example of this using north:
./aspectcrop -a 2:1 -g n test.png north.png
The results are:
If you needed to use this script for a batch load of images in a single directory you could use a bash 'for' loop. First place the script correctly and set it to executable:
sudo mv aspectcrop /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/aspectcrop
This makes it a lot easier to use the script. Then run the 'for' loop from within a directory of images:
for i in *.png
aspectcrop -a 2:1 -g n "$i" "${i%.png}_cropped.png"
This loop can be varied according to the type of input and output files, different locations etc. You could also produce a similar syntax that will search recursively for images. Lots of possibilities...
I think that is all pretty cool :)
- Imagemagick: Resize or Scaling (General Techniques)
- Fred's ImageMagick Scripts: 'Aspectcrop'