ImagePullBackOff local repository with Minikube

If you're using --vm-driver=none, you'll need to set imagePullPolicy to Never.

imagePullPolicy: Never: the image is assumed to exist locally. No attempt is made to pull the image.

Use the minikube docker registry instead of your local docker

Set docker to point to minikube

eval $(minikube docker-env)

Push to minikube docker

docker build -t hello-node:v1 .

Set your deployment to not pull IfNotPresent

K8S default is set to "Always" Change to "IfNotPresent"

imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Related Issue

in my case, I had to do the following steps.

$ eval $(minikube docker-env)

$ minikube config set driver virtualbox

$ minikube start

I think I solved by doing

minikube start --vm-driver="virtualbox" --insecure-registry="$REG_IP":80

instead of just

minikube start

$REG_IP is :

REG_IP=docker-machine ip registry
