Images not shown on Apple Watch

Thanks for quick help ! everyone is right we should prefer to use Asset Catalog , I would like to share step by step solution of this issue that I got from apple developer forum given by behrens---

  1. If the images are static resources that you already have, they should reside in the WatchKit app bundle. If they're dynamic, you can set them from the WatchKit extension at runtime.

  2. They must be @2x named, yes.

  3. It's your best bet to store them in an asset catalog. Not sure reasoning on why you wouldn't.

  4. If you expand the attributes inspector, you can narrow the support for the image in the asset catalog to Apple Watch only. If you only have one version, drop it in the 2x bucket. If you have device-size specific images, drop them accordingly and I would add the 38mm sized image to the 2x bucket for a fallback.

For more details please visit the link - link

We have two Assets.xcassets file. One of them is for Interface.storyboard and bundle Watch app. The second of them is the bundle Extension. If you setImage from code, You should have this image in the bundle Extension.

folder tree

Your images have to be in an Asset Catalog to display on the device for Apple Watch