Implement a URL shortener
JavaScript (ES6), 149 bytes
I made this independent of @Neil's solution but it ended up looking very similar.
u.split`/`.map((p,i)=> // for each part p at index i
i? // if this is not the first part
/^\d+$/.test(p)? // if p is only digits
(+p).toString(36) // return p as a base-36 number
:p[0] // else return the first letter
(d=p.split`.`) // d = domain parts
.slice(0,-1).map((s,j)=> // for each domain part before the last
s[l=j,0] // return the first letter, l = index of last domain part
+"."+d[l].slice(1,3) // add the 2 letters as the final domain
.join`/` // output each new part separated by a slash
var solution = u=>u.split`/`.map((p,i)=>i?/^\d+$/.test(p)?(+p).toString(36):p[0]:(d=p.split`.`).slice(0,-1).map((s,j)=>s[l=j,0]).join``+"."+d[l].slice(1,3)).join`/`
<input type="text" id="input" value="" />
<button onclick="result.textContent=solution(input.value)">Go</button>
<pre id="result"></pre>