Implement linked list in php

Here is a linked list implementation in PHP pulled from: which can add, delete, reverse and empty a linkedlist in PHP.

class ListNode
    public $data;
    public $next;
    function __construct($data)
        $this->data = $data;
        $this->next = NULL;

    function readNode()
        return $this->data;

class LinkList
    private $firstNode;
    private $lastNode;
    private $count;

    function __construct()
        $this->firstNode = NULL;
        $this->lastNode = NULL;
        $this->count = 0;

    //insertion at the start of linklist
    public function insertFirst($data)
        $link = new ListNode($data);
        $link->next = $this->firstNode;
        $this->firstNode = &$link;

        /* If this is the first node inserted in the list
           then set the lastNode pointer to it.
        if($this->lastNode == NULL)
            $this->lastNode = &$link;

    //displaying all nodes of linklist
    public function readList()
        $listData = array();
        $current = $this->firstNode;
        while($current != NULL)
            array_push($listData, $current->readNode());
            $current = $current->next;
        foreach($listData as $v){
            echo $v." ";

    //reversing all nodes of linklist
    public function reverseList()
        if($this->firstNode != NULL)
            if($this->firstNode->next != NULL)
                $current = $this->firstNode;
                $new = NULL;

                while ($current != NULL)
                    $temp = $current->next;
                    $current->next = $new;
                    $new = $current;
                    $current = $temp;
                $this->firstNode = $new;

    //deleting a node from linklist $key is the value you want to delete
    public function deleteNode($key)
        $current = $this->firstNode;
        $previous = $this->firstNode;

        while($current->data != $key)
            if($current->next == NULL)
                return NULL;
                $previous = $current;
                $current = $current->next;

        if($current == $this->firstNode)
              if($this->count == 1)
                  $this->lastNode = $this->firstNode;
               $this->firstNode = $this->firstNode->next;
            if($this->lastNode == $current)
                 $this->lastNode = $previous;
            $previous->next = $current->next;

       //empty linklist
    public function emptyList()
        $this->firstNode == NULL;


    //insertion at index

    public function insert($NewItem,$key){
        if($key == 0){
        $link = new ListNode($NewItem);
        $current = $this->firstNode;
        $previous = $this->firstNode;

                $previous = $current;
                $current = $current->next;

           $previous->next = $link;
           $link->next = $current; 


$obj = new LinkList();
$obj->insert($value,$key); // at any index

Here is the code in php which will implement Linked List, only with the reference of head node i.e first node and then you add at first, last and delete a key, and also maintain the code of the keys in list.


 * Class Node
class Node
    public $data;
    public $next;

    public function __construct($item)
        $this->data = $item;
        $this->next = null;

 * Class LinkList
class LinkList
    public $head = null;

    private static $count = 0;

     * @return int
    public function GetCount()
        return self::$count;

     * @param mixed $item
    public function InsertAtFist($item) {
        if ($this->head == null) {
            $this->head = new Node($item);
        } else {
            $temp = new Node($item);

            $temp->next = $this->head;

            $this->head = $temp;


     * @param mixed $item
    public function InsertAtLast($item) {
        if ($this->head == null) {
            $this->head = new Node($item);
        } else {
            /** @var Node $current */
            $current = $this->head;
            while ($current->next != null)
                $current = $current->next;

            $current->next = new Node($item);


     * Delete the node which value matched with provided key
     * @param $key
    public function Delete($key)
        /** @var Node $current */
        $current = $previous = $this->head;

        while($current->data != $key) {
            $previous = $current;
            $current = $current->next;

        // For the first node
        if ($current == $previous) {
            $this->head = $current->next;

        $previous->next = $current->next;


     * Print the link list as string like 1->3-> ...
    public function PrintAsList()
        $items = [];
        /** @var Node $current */
        $current = $this->head;
        while($current != null) {
            array_push($items, $current->data);
            $current = $current->next;

        $str = '';
        foreach($items as $item)
            $str .= $item . '->';

        echo $str;

        echo PHP_EOL;

$ll = new LinkList();


echo 'Total elements ' . $ll->GetCount();
echo PHP_EOL;
echo 'Total elements ' . $ll->GetCount();
echo PHP_EOL;
echo 'Total elements ' . $ll->GetCount();
echo PHP_EOL;
echo 'Total elements ' . $ll->GetCount();
echo PHP_EOL;

Code out put as:

$ php LinkList.php
Total elements 8
Total elements 7
Total elements 6
Total elements 5

There is SplDoublyLinkedList. Is this okay, too?