Implementing a fallback using promises

In most promise libs, you could chain .fail() or .catch() as in @mido22's answer, but jQuery's .fail() doesn't "handle" an error as such. It is guaranteed always to pass on the input promise (with unaltered state), which would not allow the required "break" of the cascade if/when success happens.

The only jQuery Promise method that can return a promise with a different state (or different value/reason) is .then().

Therefore you could write a chain which continues on error by specifying the next step as a then's error handler at each stage.

function getDataUntilAsyncSuccess() {
    return $.Deferred().reject()
        .then(null, getData1)
        .then(null, getData2)
        .then(null, getData3);
//The nulls ensure that success at any stage will pass straight through to the first non-null success handler.

getDataUntilAsyncSuccess().then(function (x) {
    //"success" data is available here as `x`
}, function (err) {
    console.log('not found');

But in practice, you might more typically create an array of functions or data objects which are invoked in turn with the help of Array method .reduce().

For example :

var fns = [

function getDataUntilAsyncSuccess(data) {
    return data.reduce(function(promise, fn) {
        return promise.then(null, fn);
    }, $.Deferred().reject());// a rejected promise to get the chain started

getDataUntilAsyncSuccess(fns).then(function (x) {
    //"success" data is available here as `x`
}, function (err) {
    console.log('not found');

Or, as is probably a better solution here :

var urls = [

function getDataUntilAsyncSuccess(data) {
    return data.reduce(function(promise, url) {
        return promise.then(null, function() {
            return getData(url);// call a generalised `getData()` function that accepts a URL.
    }, $.Deferred().reject());// a rejected promise to get the chain started

getDataUntilAsyncSuccess(urls).then(function (x) {
    //"success" data is available here as `x`
}, function (err) {
    console.log('not found');