import error; no module named Quandl

If the solutions above is not working for you (it means you are using python 3), do the following (on Linux);

sudo apt install python3-pip

Then do ;

pip3 install quandl

you should be able to import and use quandl now

check whether it exists with the installed modules by typing

pip list

in the command prompt and if there is no module with the name quandl then type

pip install quandl

in the command prompt . Worked for me in the jupyter

Try with lower case, import is case sensitive and it's as below:

import quandl

Did you install with pip? If so ensure quandl is among the listed installed modules with

pip list

Otherwise try


To make sure it was installed properly. If you don't see quandl listed , try to reinstall.

Use below syntax all in lower case

import quandl