Import file based on relative path in JavaScript


import myFunc from '../../firstFolder/firstFile';


import * as myFunc from '../../firstFolder/firstFile';

in ES5:

You should use two '..' to back 1 folder level

var myFunc = require('../../firstFolder/firstFile');

ES6 (ecmascript6):

import myFunc from '../../firstFolder/firstFile';


Here are the pathing options:

../ will go back 1 folder, this is why we go back two folders:

import myFunc from ../../firstFolder/firstFile

So .. takes us back to secondFolder then we need to go back one more folder .. into the MyApp folder. Now we can traverse forward into firstFolder then point to firstFile.

or ./ - this is the present working directory (pwd), which will be thirdFolder from here we will need to go back 2 directories or ../..

import myFunc from ./../../firstFolder/firstFile

Other directory pathing options:

Since you didn't specify the full paths these are incomplete

/ - will start at the root directory of the Operating System

import myFunc from /fullPathtoProject/MyApp/firstFolder/firstFile

~/ this is the current users home directory

import myFunc from ~/pathFromHomeDirectory/MyApp/firstFolder/firstFile

If you use webpack you can tweak the loader to search for files relative to your base directory. Change your webpack.config.js to this

resolve: {
  modules: [

or, if your sources are all relative to ./src, use path.resolve('./src'). If you want to be more specific you can also take a look at resolve.alias (see the webpack docs here:

BTW: I'm using next.js in my application, which has its own webpack config, but you can modify it if you put something like

const path = require('path');
module.exports = ({
    webpack: (config, options) => {
        config.resolve.modules.push( path.resolve('./') )
        return config

into your next.config.js, in order to modify the default one.