import function js code example
Example 1: js es6 dynamic import default
export const hi = (name) => console.log(`Hi, ${name}!`)
export const bye = (name) => console.log(`Bye, ${name}!`)
export default () => console.log('Hello World!')
We can use import() syntax to easily and cleanly load it conditionally:
if (somethingIsTrue) {
import('./something.js').then((module) => {
Example 2: different types ways of export and import in javascript
import 'example';
import exampleDefaultExport from 'example';
import { property } from 'example';
import { property as exampleProperty } from 'example';
import * as example from 'example';
export var property = 'example property';
export function property() {};
export default 'example default';
var property = 'example property';
export { property };
export { property as exampleProperty };
export { property as exampleProperty } from 'example';
export * from 'example';