Import jquery with ember-cli

I solved the problem by not importing jquery at all. jQuery is available via Ember.$ (link)

So I changed my code to use Ember.$(...) instead of $(...)

I've ran into the same problem after I updated ember-cli to 0.0.34. Although I was still able to use $ (jQuery) in my code, JSHint kept throwing the error:

project/views/blah.js: line 6, col 9, '$' is not defined.

You can edit your .jshintrc and add $ back to predef.

  "predef": {
    // ...
    "$": true,
    // ...
  // ...

Would definitely prefer a method using import too.

Not sure if this will be of any help, but I was able to locate the file during build by using the line below, but it caused some issues in the browser:

import $ from 'vendor/jquery/dist/jquery';