Import symbols starting with underscore

The best and most common solution for your problem already has been given:

import MyLib.Module as mm

If one still wants to make use of the variant from MyLib.Module import *, there is the possibility to override its default behavior: Add a list __all__ to the module's source file MyLib/ and declare which objects should be exported.

Note that you need to do this for every object you want to be visible. This does not affect the behavior of the other import mechanism above.


# MyLib/
__all__ = ["_a", "_b"]

def _a(): pass 
def _b(): pass
def  c(): pass

# ...

# Import
from MyLib.Module import *
# => this imports _a() and _b(), but not c()

To specify a package index __all__ can make sense to control which submodules should be loaded when importing a package. See here for more information, or this SO thread on a related question.

I'm not sure if it was a blackout or something when I wrote that question but today I realized (inspired by Underyx's comment) that I can simply do this:

import MyLib.Module


Or even to shorten things a little (because I'm a lazy bastard):

import MyLib.Module as mm


According to docs,

There is even a variant to import all names that a module defines:
from fibo import *
This imports all names except those beginning with an underscore (_).

Not sure why this is the case however.

