"In a circle of 33, the next 10 people on my right are all liars"

Someone must be telling the truth, or else 33 liars would all be claiming that the next ten people are liars—and they would all be correct.

If Person A tells the truth, then A is correct that the next ten people are all liars:

enter image description here

In particular, we know that Person B, the person on Person A's right side, is a liar. Person B claims that the next ten people are all liars:

enter image description here

Person B must be wrong about that claim, because Person B is a liar. The first nine people are liars because A said they were. This implies that the last person isn't a liar --- the tenth person after B is honest:

enter image description here

and now the reasoning repeats again with a new truth teller. In the end, you're left with three equally-spaced truth-tellers amidst 30 liars.

In general, you can have a circle of $n$ people claiming that the next $k$ people are all liars. If $n$ is a multiple of $k+1$, then the situation is solvable: there's one truth teller followed by $k$ liars, followed by a truth teller, etc. If $n$ isn't a multiple of $k+1$, then you can't solve the problem in Truthlandia. (Compare two versus three people sitting around a table all claiming that the next person is a liar. The situation is solvable with two people, but not with three.)

A truth-teller, by the given statement, forces the nature of the ten people to the right – a block of eleven. However, there cannot be a block of eleven liars, because the leftmost "liar" would actually be telling the truth. Thus there are three equally-spaced truth tellers and 30 liars.

Notice that not everyone can be a liar because in that case the statement about the people to their right is actually true. This guy will give us everything we need in domino-like fashion.

Number the people $P_1,\cdots P_{33}$ say sitting in clockwise order and say $P_1$ is a truth teller. This forces $P_2,\cdots, P_{11}$ to all be liars. Now $P_2$ is a liar so this forces that there has to be a truth teller in the next ten set: $\{P_3,\cdots ,P_{12}\}$. Together, we see that $P_{12}$ is a truth teller so $P_{13},\cdots ,P_{22} $ are all liars.

By a similar argument as above, $P_{23}$ is a truth teller and so this finishes the argument since now $P_{24},\cdots ,P_{33}$ are all liars.

So exactly three truth tellers and $30$ liars.

